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How do you get your children are interested in, or in what happens beyond your front door involved Do you feel it is important for the children, are informed about current events Or do you feel that children areot exposed to such information

Growing up, our parents basically We have just banned theews because they wanted to protect "me. Certainly, its intentions were good, butow that We am a parent We doot think that we should our children from every bad thing that happens, I'm shadow. Of course we should keep it innocent to some degree, but there's a point where theyeed that isot life perfect, it's far away and there are many dangerous things out there. When our teenagers were younger, We would try to find the specific topic each morning at breakfast. We remain the same for our old do 7YR. We will discuss the issue - usually I'm on it on something that We just saw on theews or read in theewspaper to decide. We will talk about what happened and how it might impact. Often We try to topics that take over education because that is something that our 7YR old is interested and can r
Local/national/globalews: in what ways and to what extent do you discuss current events with your children
Local /ational / globalews: in what way and to what extent do you discuss current events with your children